Bukittinggi is a cool city, located in West Sumatra Province, the capital is the City of Padang. Bukittinggi is rich in culture and history.
Jam Gadang is an icon that became the pride of Bukittinggi, is located in the center of Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang is the symbol of this town.
Jam Gadang was built in 1926, the Government of the Netherlands East Indies at that time. Jam Gadang meaning is Big Clock, because the clock is quite big and this hour is a gift from the Dutch Queen to Rook Maker who served as controller/ Secretary City of Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang was built by an architect, who named Yazid Sutan Gigi Ameh.
From the top of the clock tower, visitors can see the beauty of Bukittinggi, Mount Sago, Mount Singgalang, Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Gorge).
Big Clock Specifications
Basic plan of the building is the size of 13 x 4 meters, height is 26 meters, the position of the building and the stair is facing towards the market. Jam Gadang is located within the area Sabai Nan Aluih Park, in front of the Palace of Bung Hatta. Bung Hatta is the first Indonesian vice president, was born in this town.
Jam Gadang consists of four hours which is placed on the four sides of the tower building. Each hour is 80 cm in diameter.
Jam Gadang tower has been through several changes in shape. Initially, the top of the clock tower is round shape, with above it stands a statue of a rooster. Then when the Japanese occupation, the top turned into a pagoda shape. The days of independence, the shape of the top of the tower changed again, to shape Bergonjong Empat roof, typical of Minangkabau traditional house and is characterized Pucuk Rebung motif.
Unique Jam Gadang
Jam Gadang have an unsolved mystery until now, the mystery that is unique Jam Gadang, namely the number four on the hour, which should be when written in Roman numeral is IV, but written with the number one ( I ) Roman as many as four pieces, namely IIII ( Generally the writing is IV).
Jam Gadang As Guidelines
- Defined as the zero point of Bukittinggi
- Used as marker / landmark of Bukittinggi
- As one of the icons of West Sumatra Province
Travel Routes To Jam Gadang
From the City of Padang, with public transport takes about 2 hours drive to get to Bukittinggi, with the city transportation can continue the journey toward Jam Gadang location.
Other Tourism Objects Around Bukittinggi
Other tourist objects that can be visited is Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Gorge), Gua Jepang (Japanese Cave).
Facilities Available
There are inns, hotels, star hotels and other facilities.